For years my second son thought his name was Hurry.
Hurry Matthew, the little boy once introduced himself to a grocery checker who had chucked him under the chin in a friendly way.
"You mean Harry Matthews?" the baffled clerk inquired.
"No, it's Hurry Matthew! Hurry Matthew, eat your breakfast! Hurry Matthew, brush your teeth! Hurry Matthew, clean your room!
"But sometimes they call me Hurry Matt, for short!"
"It's a hectic life!" I tried to explain, all the while knowing if the checker had kids of her own, she'd understand, and if she didn't there'd be nothing I could say to make her see
How to get kids to move quickly is something they don't teach you in any pre-natal class. But in my opinion, prospective parents would do well to hang out with their local high school track coach for at least eight of the nine long months before delivery. Who else can get a kid to hustle as fast as he can without counting to three first?
Still there are disadvantages to finally teaching your little ones to hurry up. There's not an aging mom and dad alive who, looking back, won't tell you their children hurried much too quickly when it came to growing up and leaving home!
There's not an aging parent alive
who won't tell you their childrenhurried much too quickly
when it came to growing up.