January 14, 2019


From Luke 1: 5-23

Zacharias stood incredulous
the day an angel came to say
Elisabeth, his barren wife,
well-stricken in her life
upon the earth,
would bear a son, give birth
to one who’d turn the hearts
of fathers to their young,
and touch the disobedient
with insights of the just. 

Question he must,
that sage priest of Judea,
for whom the promised parenting
in their old age
defied all rational belief. 
“How shall I know?”
The answer, brief, came soft and low,
depriving him of speech.
He would not teach, his words were gone
until the promised birth of his son John.

Sharon Nauta Steele
December 27, 2010


She perceived the eyes
of men upon her,
knew they mocked
her barren state.
And yet when fate, it seemed,
had locked her womb against
the child for whom she dreamed,
the Father heard her prayers,
and she conceived.

They say she hid herself
five months.  Well-stricken
in her years, she was too old
for motherhood, the townsfolk
might impugn.  Perhaps again
bright tears sequestered her,
or custom’s rites, or flights
of modesty.  Or maybe this Elisabeth
just needed time to ponder
Heaven’s gift, to lift her voice
to God in gratitude
and quietly commune.

Sharon Nauta Steele
January 9, 2011


Then Gabriel was sent
to Nazareth, a city of old Galilee,
wherein he found the virgin
who had known no man,
and told her of the Father’s plan
that she should bear a sacred son--
Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy one.
And with His birth
the angels would delight
and fill the night
with caroling,
proclaiming Peace on Earth.

Sharon Nauta Steele
January 3, 2011


As Mary found favor with the Lord,
so was Joseph, her espoused,

A guileless man and just,
who listened to an angel--
in his moments of bewilderment,
he neither questioned nor reproved.

His heart so touched, his spirit moved,
he made his choice
to nurture, shelter,
cherish, love the chosen vessel in his care,
and then, with her confinement,
to venerate and celebrate,

Sharon Nauta Steele
September 17, 2010


Wise men watched--they knew astronomy
and ancient scripture marked the year
they saw the star appear—
a comet or some other spark
of Heaven-generated light
ignited dark
and gleamed exquisitely upon the sacred birth
of Jesus Christ who came to earth
that hallowed night.

Shepherds listened in rapt harmony,
heard angels proclaim peace and love—
sing songs that told the advent of
Jesus, God’s begotten son,
born in Bethlehem,
that precious one.
For Him, cherubim chorused skies,
their melodies, the Christ child’s lullabies.
And mortals joined them.

Now we reflect--we ponder the anomaly
of our Redeemer’s birth so long ago
and feel the Father’s love—we know
that in a stall with cows and hay
the Savior of the world drew breath.
We consecrate that sacred day
in reverence for His birth and later sacrifice:
He came to earth to pay the awful price—
His life to conquer death.

Sharon Nauta Steele


Brighter than the star
That led Wise Men that night:
 Christ’s eternal light.

Sharon Nauta Steele
September 30, 2011


Simeon waited--
promised by an angel
he would live to see the Father’s Son.
Called of Spirit to the Temple doors,
he held the precious little one,
looked in his open eyes.

Then raising voice and praising God,
he blessed the child with grateful heart.
The prophecy fulfilled,
he knew at last his time had come.
His lot now cast--such sweet release,
in peace he could depart.

Sharon Nauta Steele
February 19, 2011


First, the wise men left another way;
warned by God, they listened,
fleeing Herod’s rage--
his jealousy that one so newly come
might usurp, his kingdom
in some future age.   Then, too,
the couple took their tiny son,
departing in the shadows of the night,
in flight down into Egypt, heeding
ancient prophecy that Herod’s
dread depravity, his livid spite,
his fearful and impassioned
scorn, would smite the land
of every infant,
innocent, of tender years,
or newly born.

Sharon Nauta Steele
September 17, 2010


Matthew 2:18: In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.

Despite the designation
H-e-r-o in his name,
so cowardly  his reign
whose hands
could not be cleansed
of murder’s crimson stain.

Sharon Nauta Steele
September 10, 2011


When Jesus was tiny,
an infant so small
he’d smile at his mother
and she would recall
how her little baby
was born in a stall.
She’d hear the sweet prattle
of her little one
and tenderly sing to
her wee, precious son:

“Soon you will grow up
I’ve known since your birth
that yours is a mission
to bring peace to Earth.
Yours is a mission,
my baby, my own,
to save all mankind
when you’re grown.”

When Jesus was tiny--
a dear, little boy,
He’d smile at his mother
and bring her such joy.
She’d hear his sweet laughter
and see his eyes shine
and tenderly sing to
her baby divine:

“Soon you will grow up
I’ve known since your birth
that yours is a mission
to bring peace to Earth.
Yours is a mission,
my baby, my own,
to save all mankind
when you’re grown.”

It must have been hard for sweet Mary to know
the sacrifice her son would make.
It must have been hard for sweet Mary to know
that He’d give His life for our sake.
But, when He was tiny--
a dear, little boy,
He’d smile at his mother
and bring her such joy.
She’d hear his sweet laughter
and see his eyes shine
and tenderly sing to
her baby divine:

“Soon you will grow up
I’ve known since your birth
that yours is a mission
to bring peace to Earth.
Yours is a mission,
my baby, my own,
to save all mankind
when you’re grown.”

Sharon Nauta Steele
October 23, 2011


Not that they were negligent—
his parents thought him in the caravan
returning from Jerusalem,
a lad of twelve, not yet a man,
cavorting with his cousins
with the Seder Feast now past.
Perhaps they thought he tarried
in the company of children
who had shared unleavened bread
or lingered behind laden beasts
now heading home at last.

A logical mistake.
But gathering for evening’s meal, 
the long day’s passage at an end,
their boy not found attending cooking fires
or pitching tents with relative or friend,
the husband and the wife turned back
to find him in the Temple teaching
doctors, elders, even priests,
expounding on His Father’s ways--
a child of twelve, of ruddy cheek,
amazing all who paused to hear him speak.

Sharon Nauta Steele
February 21, 2011


John the Baptist,
locust fed, on honey reared,
appeared before the Savior,
his herald voice
a clarion for men
to seek repentance and rejoice:
The long-awaited Christ,
God’s only Son,
had come to Earth as prophesied,
His saving work begun.

Sharon Nauta Steele
February 4, 2011


like dawn
before the day,
lit the pathway
for the Savior,
led the way.

Sharon Nauta Steele
April 21, 2011


Even Christ was born again,
from Jordan’s waters lifted up
by one whose diffidence
had questioned his authority
to serve a soul so pure.

In meekness, in humility, unsure,
John, feeling his unworthiness
to even dress the Savior’s feet,
demurred the task:
“Comest thou to me?” he asked. 
“Yeah, suffer it to be,” the Savior said.

And it was done.  Christ, Jesus,
God’s unspotted son,
fulfilling righteousness in love,
the Holy Ghost descending
in the semblance of a dove.

Sharon Nauta Steele
February 13, 2011

the adversary
played into God’s plan,
believing he could tempt
the Son of Man.

Yet in His weakened state,
Christ having fasted forty days,
went up into the mountains
willingly, full knowing
Satan’s cunning snare
(that old deceiver Lucifer)
would surely test Him there.

For justice must be satisfied
as every living soul,
including God’s anointed One
the only perfect being walking Earth,
must stand against deception,
prove his worth.

Sharon Nauta Steele
March 1, 2011


With John imprisoned,
Jesus left for Galilee
according to the prophecy
that He would bring new light
to men who only knew
Capernaum’s shadowed night.

Sharon Nauta Steele
September 16, 2011


On a Galilean peak
above a dusty road,
the Savior spoke of blessings--
in simple words bestowed
the Father’s sacred promise
on those who choose the right,
whose light burns like a candle,
their testimonies bright.

Sharon Nauta Steele
October 7, 2011


Of just two fishes
and five barley loaves,
the Savior fed five thousand souls.
But void of spirit,
blind in pride,
oblivious to offerings divine,
some people cast their eyes aside
for yet another sign.

Sharon Nauta Steele
April 1, 2011


He who calms
the tossing waves
and soothes the troubled sea
can work his quiet
miracles in me.

Sharon Nauta Steele
October 15, 2011


He asked refreshment
at the well--
a dipper full to quench His thirst.
And as she poured it,
He rehearsed
the history of her marriages,
the mystery of her current life,
that she was not the legal wife—
not married to the man
in whose abode she chose to dwell.
And yet He would not judge
her fallen state
but bid her wait
upon the sacred truths
he resolutely taught her,
inviting her to drink of pure,
yea, even living water.

Sharon Nauta Steele
March 1, 2011


On the shores of Lake Gennereset,
one Simon stops to wash his empty
fishing net, when Christ, approaching,
enters his small ship, requesting Simon
thrust a little from the land
that He might teach the people thronging
on a wide expanse of coastline sand--
His pulpit, now, the vessel’s bow.

But when at last, the Savior leaves off speaking,
bidding Simon launch across the deep
and cast his net into the sea, the fisherman,
incredulous with naught to show
for hours spent in industry, performs
as he is told, and soon the hold of both
his own and his near partner’s boat are filled
with fish, so full the vessels barely float. 
Hence Simon falls upon his knees with tearful
eyes until the Master bids him rise,
confirming there and then
he will become a fisherman of men.

Sharon Nauta Steele
April 14, 2011


Walk upon the water,
step out from the land,
keep your eye on Jesus,
reach out for his hand.

Never doubt his power
to lift your heavy heart.
Walk upon the water--
let your journey start.

Sharon Nauta Steele
October 20, 2011

A Poem for Two Voices

He blessed the blind with sight

The lame He raised to walk

He caused the deaf to hear

The sick He granted health

The dead and dying he gave breath

and gave them eyes to see.

and helped them find their way.

and helped them understand

and gave them strength to pray.

and saved us all from endless death.


Sharon Nauta Steele
February 26, 2011


Among the throng of followers
who jostled for attention
as the Savior traversed
paths near Galilee--
the lame, the blind,
the lepers seeking sweet release,
a humble woman
weak from loss of blood,
yet vigorous in faith,
reached out to touch His robe.
He felt her gentle fingers probe
those trailing linen folds,
and granted her immediate relief--
the woman blessed with hope and peace
because of her unwavering belief. 

Sharon Nauta Steele
March 1, 2011


Rebuked for Sabbath
healings, Christ, undaunted, blessed
blind men with insight.

Sharon Nauta Steele
March 19, 2011 


In parables, the master spoke--
uplifting allegories:
life lessons taught
through simple plot.
How powerful His stories!

Sharon Nauta Steele
March 24, 2011


How easy
to cross over to the other side-- 
The road was narrow, yet I broke
my stride and turned toward
him left for dead,
his cruel assailants newly fled.

But then my inner fight began—
a mortal man, my soul took fright.
“Move on,” my failing spirit cried
in awful fear, but also pride.
Would I be soiled if I bound
and oiled wounds of this,
my nemesis, the Jew?
What should I do?
My heart constricting in that barren place,
I tried to look away, but, oh, that face…

So much to contemplate, and yet,
beholding his great thirst,
I rallied to the task and wet his lips
with water from my flask
and tended to him as beloved kin.
Then with my donkey bore him to the inn.

Sharon Nauta Steele
February 2, 2010


Lord, help me know my talents
and to use them to do good--
to multiply my aptitude
and do the things I should.

Lord, help me to be giving
unto those who need my care,
that when I need your blessing,
I’ll deserve to find you there.

Sharon Nauta Steele
June 11, 2011


In a certain village, on a certain day,
ten lepers stood far off
and lifted up their voices unto Christ:
“Have mercy on us, Master--
take our infirmities away.”
And it was done.  According to the grace
of Him, the Father’s son,
they showed themselves unto the priest
and they were cleansed.

Then one of them, on finding he was whole
paused moments on a grassy knoll,
turned back
upon the path he would have trod,
and fell upon his face to praise his God.

But of the other nine?  No word of thanks
escaped their tongues;
no hymns of praise were sung.
Too busy, in their haste
to get on with their lives--
to publish joyous tidings
to their children and their wives
(perhaps without intending to be rude),
they overlooked the sacrament of thanks.
and forfeit sacred blessings bought
by showing gratitude.

Oh, that we might
from this parable be taught
to practice well the part
of living with
an ever grateful heart.

Sharon Nauta Steele
November 2011


There is a need for Martha’s
and for Mary’s on this earth.
Each has her season’s calling;
in time, each has her worth.

Help me to bear my Martha roles
with wisdom and with grace--
then, in my Mary moments,
behold my Savior’s face. 

Sharon Nauta Steele
April 19, 2011


Then came the Sabbath—
time to rest and pray.
But since the man was blind
from birth, Christ chose not
to make him wait
another day
and granted sight.

Yet those who could not,
would not see the greater need
condemned the miracle,
decried the deed,
and closed their eyes
against the giver
of eternal love and light.

Oh, that my own eyes
might forever be
discerning of all wonders
I should see.

Sharon Nauta Steele
May 1, 2011


Our Father who art in Heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day

Our daily bread,

And forgive us our debts

As we forgive our debtors.

Lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil,

For thine is the kingdom

And the power

And the glory

Have I an angel mother there,

Her name too sacred to reveal?

Somehow I feel

Her loving care

On Earth as it is in Heaven.

In Her own way,

She sees me fed

Forbearing faults,

As I for absolution pray,

“Please guide my steps

To righteous ends.”

A Mother’s grace

With love she sends,

Through Father’s power

Every hour.


Sharon Nauta Steele
May 5, 2011

Of Lost Sheep and Men
Our Savior dined
among the publicans
in open view of men
so vain they mocked
his choice of company
and murmured their distain.

But patiently, He spoke
 to them of wayward sheep
and how a caring shepherd
comes to seek his straying lambs
 in desert cold to bring them
safely back into the fold.

Who then should criticize
this gentle shepherd
rescuer of men?

Sharon Nauta Steele
May 3, 2011


When Christ spoke of
the prodigal,
was that not even me?
So often I have
spent my birthright
departed from my Father,
bought the world,
and sold myself
to vanity’s dark charms…

And yet, how bright
His flag unfurled,
when I return
repentant to His arms.

Sharon Nauta Steele
May 14, 2011

Though Jesus came in meekly
to Jerusalem that day,
the people recognized Him,
strewing palms along the  way,
and in one voice began to sing
Hosanna, Savior, Christ, our King.
Hosanna, Savior…Everything.

Sharon Nauta Steele
May 27, 2011


Jesus spoke of
the spiritual
in temporal refrain
when men forgot
what He had taught
The bread, the water
emblematic sacrifice
His flesh, His blood
our salvation’s price

Sharon Nauta Steele
June 17, 2011


betrayed Jesus
with a kiss.
Our lesson this:
That we not do
the same—
renounce His mercy,
seal our shame.

Sharon Nauta Steele
July 10, 2011


My Gethsemane so trifling
compared to His ordeal,
and yet he shared my burdens--
for Him my pain was real.

He bore my sorrow on the cross
His burdens heavy, deep.
He shed a million drops of blood
when all I did was weep.

Sharon Nauta Steele
June 29, 2011


Yes, there was betrayal:
the dark disciple’s kiss,
the mob mentality,
the high priest’s men.
But then it was our Lord
who gave His life,
bade Simon Peter
sheathe the sword, 
resisting strife.

Hence, Peter put
the weapon up
and Jesus Christ drank willingly
of His appointed cup.

Sharon Nauta Steele
July 12, 2011


Miracles alone
will never  soften 
wicked hearts—
The high priest’s servant’s
severed ear restored
remained by choice unhearing,
unmoved by tender mercies,
deaf to Christ our Lord.

Sharon Nauta Steele
July 16, 2011


cowed by mob mentality,
had washed his hands
and set Barabbas free--
a murderer,
corrupt, seditious,
released according to the wishes
of a wicked, frenzied crowd
who’d rather see their Savior bowed
upon a cross and crucified
than sacrifice their own
ungodly pride.

Sharon Nauta Steele
August 28, 2011


That Peter would forswear
he knew the Lord
thrice before
the rooster’s clarion,
the Savior prophesied.

And so it was—
the Galilean cowered
rather than proclaim
his love for Jesus
when each condemning
question came.

Such bitter tears
he after cried,
resolved to increased fealty
for Him he had
three times before
 in mortal fear, denied.

Sharon Nauta Steele
July 29, 2011


Thorn-crowned, Christ carried
His cross upon His shoulders,
a crushing burden from the start.

Yet heavier his
cumbrance in Gethsemane:
our sins upon his heart.

Sharon Nauta Steele
April 24, 2011


At the cross,
had mocked the Savior’s pain,
haggled for His raiment,
and profaned the death
of Him who bartered for their souls
with His last breath.

Sharon Nauta Steele
July 18, 2011  


When Mary who had swaddled Him,
saw Jesus stripped and nailed to the cross—
the mob triumphant in her loss,
her soul was pierced as Simeon foretold.

Then Jesus spoke to John as to a brother,
commending her to him,
“Behold…thy Mother.”

Sharon Nauta Steele
August 12, 2011


that they gave
vinegar and gall
to Him
who offered
living water
to us all

Sharon Nauta Steele
August 20, 2011


Messiah, my Savior,
Redeemer of my soul,
You ransomed me from darkness,
there on Golgotha’s knoll.

Thorny your coronet
unspeakable your plight,
You gave your life that I might live
in pure eternal light.

Sharon Nauta Steele
December 1, 2011


Did songbirds stop their singing
when Christ hung on the cross,
though noisy people in the crowd
didn’t understand the loss?

Did cattle stop their grazing
and murmur once or twice, 
though guards who bartered for his coat
didn’t understand the price?

Did noisy winds stop gusting
when He drew His last breath,
though even some disciples still
didn’t understand His death.

I wonder if God’s creations
could sense the meaning of
the Savior’s  sacrifice for men,
His sweet, atoning love.

Sharon Nauta Steele
November 13, 2011


Did they know that dying was His choice?
Did they hear the tender mercy in His voice?
They who scorned Him in his final breath?
They who mocked His agonizing death?

Did they ever understand and weep
For Him who saved them from eternal sleep?

Sharon Nauta Steele
September 3, 2011


The tomb was empty,
And Mary Magdalene,
she who knew the promises,
had only pondered theft.
But still, she tarried there,
bereft and seemingly forsaken,
to ask the perceived gardener
where Jesus’ body had been taken.

And when the Savior called her name,
His voice the same familiar, reassuring tone,
no more alone, she turned herself,
and raised her head
and opened wide her swollen eyes
to recognize the living face of Him
she sought among the dead.
“Raboni!  Master!”
Mary whispered
reverently, serene.

Then at His bidding
ran to tell the others of the miracle she’d seen.
And ran to tell the others of the miracle she’d seen.

Sharon Nauta Steele
March 28, 2010


I would not judge you, Thomas,
though you doubted
Christ’s sure promise,
lost in disbelief,
until you saw Him
face to face.

I, too, have sometimes wandered
from the truths I’ve
known and pondered,
lost in dark despair--
until I felt His
warm embrace.

Sharon Nauta Steele
May 21, 2011


As a woman in travail feels pain
in her confinement,
so we mourn
the crucifixion of our King.
And yet we do rejoice in what is born--
resurrection’s banishment
of death’s dark sting.

Sharon Nauta Steele
June 23, 2011

A Poem for Two Voices

To watch for earthquakes and for evil winds

To  listen to the rumors born of war

To think about calamity each day

To live with dread that shakes you to the core
To search for hallowed light and conquer fear

To  work for peace as each new day arrives

To focus on a future filled with joy

To look for finding Jesus in our lives

Sharon Nauta Steele

June 5, 2011