January 22, 2015


Just to show I was serious about losing weight this year, I began keeping a daily food journal on New Year's Day:

January 1
Dear Diary,
8 am--Woke up determined to keep resolution made at midnight:  I will not overeat.  (Frankly, after last night's buffet, it was easy to settle for the half grapefruit and celery stick on my breakfast menu.)
8:15--Began clearing away New Year's Eve party debris.  Emptied crock pot of bacon-wrapped meatballs (soggy) without eating one.
8:25--Triumphantly fed leftover eggnog (warm) to cat without taking one sip.
8:30--Cut tinfoil to wrap remaining half loaf of banana bread.
8:31--Banana bread loaf edge needed straightening.  Cut miniscule slice of bread to square the edge.
8:32--Hand holding miniscule slice of banana bread vacillated between garbage and mouth.  Mouth won (It was just a tiny slice).
8:33--Loaf edge still crooked.  Removed bigger slice.
8:34--Used calorie chart to check difference between lunch allowance of 2 hard-boiled eggs and slice of banana bread.  Difference negligible. Scratched eggs off menu.
8:40--Banana bread seemed dry.  Poured half glass of chocolate milk (low fat) to wash bread down.
8:42--Finished chocolate milk before bread.  Poured an inch more.
8:45--Finished banana bread slice before beverage.  Cut another slice (small).
8:46--Finished chocolate milk before bread.  Carton empty.  Spread remaining dry bread with cream cheese (just a dab). 
8:48--Cream cheese edge crooked.  Sliced off a smidgen to straighten.
8:49--Cut tiniest morsel of banana bread to use up smidgin of cream cheese.
8:51--Bread edge crooked.  Cut off piece to straighten.
8:52--Piece dry. More cream cheese (not much).
8:53--Cream cheese edge still crooked.  Straightened edge, spreading cream cheese over remaining heel of banana bread.
8:54--Scraped empty bread pan and sprinkled crumbs on remaining, crooked slab of cream cheese which I ate with a spoon.
8:55--Licked the cream cheese wrapper.
8:56--Chocolate milk gone. Banana bread gone.  Cream cheese gone.  Should be able to stay on my diet until dinner time.

Why not just put the cream cheese in the banana bread to begin with (low fat). Click on the link for a delicious recipe?