March 13, 2014


Around our house, the phrase quick change artist doesn’t have anything to do with drawing or money.

Say those words to any member of our family and you instantly conjure up visions of two-year-old Julie engaging in her favorite pastime--dressing and undressing. That child changes her clothes faster than you can say unbutton.

But, switching outfits, for Julie, is more than just a matter of taking one thing off and putting something else on.  She’s really into multifunctional design.

“What’s that silky, pink affair your daughter’s wearing on her head?” My next-door neighbor asks.

 “It’s probably her sister’s underwear!” I blush.

“Love Julie’s shoes,” the same friend laughs, as I turn to see my budding fashionista wiggling her toes into a pair of woolen gloves.

 I figure that little girl updates her wardrobe at least twenty times a day.

And when she gets tired of rummaging through her own things, she gets into mine.  She’s the only two-year-old I know who wears a bra!

Julie can change her clothes faster than you can say unbutton!