November 17, 2013

"Don't Tell" Gives Kids License to Blab

“Just look at that golf hat!” Dave pointed with enthusiasm to the jaunty, beret sitting at a rakish angle on the head of a department store mannequin.

 “Since when were you interested in a new golf hat?” I tried not to sound suspicious.  “You already have three!”

“Yes,” my spouse admitted, “but that red one would go perfectly with my new golf bag.”

“What new golf bag?”  I countered, though I knew exactly which bag.

“The red leather one you’re giving me for Christmas.”

“Who told you?”  My lower jaw sagged a full inch, as I remembered threatening each of our six kids not to let the cat out of their dad’s Christmas surprise golf bag.

“No one had to tell me.  I merely drew upon the  powers of my superior male brain to figure out exactly what was in that long box you hid in the fruit room.

“Oh, I get it!”  The words came out after a long pause, “Jennifer told you there wasn't a long box for you hidden down there, and then Stacee informed you that what was in the long box wasn't for you.  Michael said that what was in the long box wasn't red leather, and Matthew added that what was in the long box that wasn't hidden in the fruit room and wasn’t for you  wasn't something you put golf clubs in.  Superior male brain, indeed!”

“Yep,” the man threw out his chest.   “And after Christie and Julie both crossed their hearts that it wasn't a red leather golf bag, I finally figured it out!"