February 1, 2021

Stress? Just Be Organized

    "The key to managing stress is organization and multitasking," I told my husband.  Starting today, I really am going to get organized."

    "Here we go again," Dave replied in the tone of voice he usually reserves for condolences.  "The last time you got organized the baby redecorated the kitchen with A-1 Sauce and strawberry jam, along with everything else she could drag out of the fridge during your 9 a.m. shower."

    "So, I had a little problem with scheduling.  This time I plan to shower before Julie even wakes up."

    "You mean we're back to rise and shine at 5:30 in the morning?"

    "Well, not exactly.  You can sleep in 'til 6, if you want to."

    "You've got to be kidding. Even a sloth couldn't sleep through 15 minutes of Carmen sung to the rhythm of running shower water."

    "When else can I practice my singing?"

    "Why not five minutes after I leave for work?"

    "No go.  That time slot is reserved for meditation."

    "You could meditate over your lunch."

    "Uh uh, that's when I plan to study German."

    "You're going to study German with a mouthful of cottage cheese and pineapple?"

    "Yes, that will augment the guttural sounds."

    "If guttural's what you want, why don't you sprechen your deutsch while you're doing afternoon exercises?

    "Can't!  I'll be folding the laundry between knee bend sets, while Julie naps."

    "I don't suppose you could fold the laundry any other time?"

    "Nope!  I've got every minute planned right down to the 59th sweep of the second hand.  I'm going to be so organized this time you won't recognize me.  Stress and lack of time for myself are going to be a thing of the past."

    "Are you sure you have to do this?"

    "It's the only way."

    "But what about me?"  That dear man sounded melancholy.  "Where do I fit in this great organizational scheme of yours?'

    "Right here.  Right now.  I've scheduled 20 minutes for you to talk me out of it."